
danah boyd Has Been Named Among Forbes Top 50 Women In Tech


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The Forbes 2018 Inaugural Top 50 Women In Technology identifies three generations of forward-thinking technologists leading more than a dozen tech sectors across the globe. Honoring the top tech “Moguls, Founders, Engineers, Innovators and Warriors” in the world, this list recognizes those who are truly at the cutting edge of advancement within the STEM fields. This year, Forbes has included Brown CS alum danah boyd, highlighting her work on the intersection of technology and society.

danah is currently working as a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research, is the founder and president of the Data & Society Research Institute, and serves as a Visiting Professor at New York University. She also serves on the boards of Crisis Text Line and Social Science Research Council, and is a Trustee of the National Museum of the American Indian. Currently, danah’s research focuses on how data-driven technologies can amplify inequities, mistrust, and hate; she is also widely recognized as an authority in the field of social media research. In her book It’s Complicated: the social lives of networked teens, danah explores and uncovers some of the major myths regarding teens’ use of social media. She has made an enormous impact through her work on this subject, and this recognition follows a long list of accomplishments including the Award for Public Sociology from the American Sociological Association, the naming by Fortune as the “smartest academic in the technology field” and the naming as a “Top 100 Global Thinker” by Foreign Policy.

For more information, click the link that follows to contact Brown CS Communication Outreach Specialist Jesse Polhemus.